Dr. Thorsten Trippel
- Researcher in the Department of Digital Linguistics
- Coordination team of Text+
Board activities
- Chairperson of the standardisation committee of DIN Normeneuasschuss Terminologie (NAT) NA 105-00-06 AA Sprachressourcen (national mirror of ISO TC37 SC4)
- Contributor to the standardidation committeee of DIN Normenausschuss Terminologie (NAT) NA 105-00-05 AA "Management von Terminologieressourcen"(national mirror committee of ISO TC37 SC3)
Personal data
- Since October 2022: Researcher at IDS
- since March 2010: Researcher at the University of Tübingen
- Juli 2000 to February 2010: Researcher at Bielefeld University
- 2006: PhD in computational linguistics at Bielefeld University
- 2000: Graduation in Mathematics and English at Bielefeld University
Research interests
- Text technology
- Digital Humanities
- Information modelling
- Standardisation of language resources and metadata
- Qualitative information extraction from annotated, XML based corpora
- Sustainability
- Annotation of linguistic data
- Lexicography
- Terminology