Dr. Thorsten Trippel


  • Researcher in the Department of Digital Linguistics
  • Coordination team of Text+

Board activities

Personal data

  • Since October 2022: Researcher at IDS
  • since March 2010: Researcher at the University of Tübingen
  • Juli 2000 to February 2010: Researcher at Bielefeld University
  • 2006: PhD in computational linguistics at Bielefeld University
  • 2000: Graduation in Mathematics and English at Bielefeld University

Research interests

  • Text technology
  • Digital Humanities
  • Information modelling
  • Standardisation of language resources and metadata
  • Qualitative information extraction from annotated, XML based corpora
  • Sustainability
  • Annotation of linguistic data
  • Lexicography
  • Terminology


Current selection:

Ecker, Jennifer / Fischer, Stefan / Schwarz, Pia / Trippel, Thorsten / Werthmann, Antonina / Wilm, Rebecca (2024):
Unlocking the corpus: enriching metadata with state-of-the-art nlp methodology and linked data. In: CLARIN Annual Conference Proceedings 2024. 15 – 17 October 2024, Barcelona, Spain. Utrecht: CLARIN. S. 181-184.
IDS-Publikationsserver Text
Witt, Andreas / Werthmann, Antonina / Trippel, Thorsten (2023):
Datenübernahme am Text+ Datenzentrum des Leibniz-Instituts für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim. In: Potsdam: Zenodo. 1 S.
IDS-Publikationsserver Verlag
Trippel, Thorsten (2023):
Data for my research: Where can I get it, where do I take it, what can I do with it, how do I use it in my resume? Looking at the research data infrastructures CLARIN in Europe and Text+ in Germany. Presented at the CLEOPATRA final public workshop, Hannover, 2023-05-15. In: Genf: Zenodo. 60 S.
IDS-Publikationsserver Verlag
Krieger, Ulrich / Trippel, Thorsten (2023):
Lessons learned from joining forces across disparate disciplines in the NFDI: the conference on research on text analytics. Presented at the 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI), Karlsruhe, 12. – 14. September 2023. In: Genf: Zenodo. 3 S.
IDS-Publikationsserver Verlag
Amelung, Lisa / Bodenschatz, Eva / Danabalan, Renita / Demandt, Évariste / Depping, Ralf / Eberl, Franziska / Ebert, Barbara / Espinoza, Sara / Fuchsloch, Stefanie / Goedicke, Michael / Götz, Barbara / Hege, Cordula / Hennig, Christine / Henzen, Christin / Hunold, Johannes / Jansen, Lukas / Krieger, Ulrich / Rodrigues, Cristina M. / Miller, Bernhard / Schatlowski, Nicole / Schleuß, Alina / Schneide, Christiane / Schwarz, Annett / Schwetje, Thorsten / Seegert, Jörg / Trippel, Thorsten / Wössner, Elena / Zinke, Wolf (2023):
Collaborative work in NFDI. In: Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI). Potsdam: Zenodo. 8 S.
IDS-Publikationsserver Verlag